Entrepreneurship & Managment

Let's Get Started

Learn Entrepreneurship and Business skills from top Tech leaders!

Credits, Prizes, & Corporate Sponsorships

 Credits  We felt as though credits was the best way to provide motivation to the student to inspire learning. Credits and points are earned everytime a student does almost anything in S.T.E.M. STARS. For example when you comment on a status, post a helpful code hint, share a video, or collaborate with a team member you get points. Your membership level will determine the amount of points it will take to earn a specific prize. Prizes can range from giftcards at stores, to a free iPad depending on the sponsor.

 Corporate Sponsorships  Code-A-Thons and Projects are generally sponsored by a company we work with. They are either companies that have created the Code-A-Thon, or are providing the prizes.*Side note about your childs privacy: Sponsors never contact individual students or participants.The prizes are specifically cordinated thru S.T.E.M. STARS only. For any questions about you or your childs privacy, please see our Terms of Service.

We are committed to educating this next generation of minds with real-world training and entrprenuership skills.

Let's work together